Why reinvent the wheel? This blogger has done an excellent and extensive job on the Daniel Fast. Check it out!
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I'm telling ya, I need support when I fast. I like to know that there are people fasting with me. It helps me stay on it. My main goal when I fast is to know Jesus in His fullness. This blog is to help support you when you fast. You can join us as well. We will be fasting at the beginning of the year and in September and every Monday together, in order to live the fasted life and become more like Him.
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Monday, February 7, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Power of Fasting--A Letter From Dave Roberson
February 2011
Dear Friend,
One of the most powerful and possibly most misunderstood keys to the power of God is fasting. In order to understand why fasting is so powerful, we must also understand why the flesh is so powerful.
When the term flesh is used in the Word of God, it is most often defined as "carnal desires" or as that particular side to a person's nature that wants to give in to the temptations of the devil. It is this definition of the flesh that Romans 6:12 warns against: Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
As believers, we understand the position our spirits hold in Christ Jesus. We understand that we are the righteousness of God in Christ; that we are seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; and that we are complete in Him (Second Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 2:10). However, we have failed to understand the position our fleshly bodies hold.
You see, the redemption plan that God is working in our lives will eventually result in our total restoration and is being executed in two parts. First, upon receiving Jesus, our human spirit was born again. We received everlasting life and were seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus with respect to our rights and authority.
Second is the redemption of our bodies. One of these days, you and I are going to hear the sound of a trump. And when we do, these bodies of ours will be changed from corruptible to incorruptible, as the Word says, "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
It is in phase two that our bodies will be restored. The problem is, you and I are still wearing bodies given to us by the first man Adam. However, while we are waiting on our new resurrected bodies, a certain positional truth has been conferred on the old bodies we are wearing now. When we enforce this positional truth, we break the hold that our flesh has over our lives and our spirits.
If you and I are ever going to understand why fasting is such a powerful tool, we must first understand the purpose that fasting serves as far as our flesh is concerned. Romans 8:10 says: And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Notice the position of "life" declared for our spirit man! We live in God's life because of our righteousness--our rightstanding in Christ. It doesn't say we're "alive." After all, people in hell are alive! It said "life," meaning our spirits have entered into the God-kind of "zoe" and are forever seated in Heavenly places with the Christ Jesus kind of life!
But in the same verse, notice the other position our bodies hold: DEAD BECAUSE OF SIN. In order to break Satan's hold over our flesh positionally, God has declared it dead until we receive our new resurrected bodies at the sound of the trump.
The more we use the weapons of God to execute these two positions that our flesh and spirits hold in redemption, the more powerful and full of faith we are going to be. Of course, praying in the Holy Spirit builds us up in the spirit man, executing and enforcing the position of life that our spirits have received and in which they have been declared.
But what does fasting do? Fasting reinforces the position that the Bible declares over our flesh--that it is dead. Fasting actually breaks the hold the devil has over our faith by helping to put to death those things he uses to control our lives, such things as fears and torments, not to mention the temptations of sin.
To help you understand this truth, consider this: If a person were to fast six months on nothing but water, his flesh would never bother him again. It COULDN'T bother him, for his body would be dead and his spirit would be in Heaven!
Of course, we are not going to embark on that kind of drastic fast. Yet when a man fasts for even three days at a time, that fast has the same kind of effect. It executes the death of his flesh--a step at a time in small portions--until the hold of the flesh over his spirit is broken and his faith automatically begins to come up higher.
You see, fasting deals with the worst kind of unbelief. I'm talking about the subtle kind that keeps us from doing more for God by putting an invisible ceiling on our lives from which we don't know how to break away.
Do you remember what Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 17:19,20, when they asked Him why they couldn't cast the devil out of the lunatic boy?
Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
And Jesus said unto them, BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF . . . .
You see, the unbelief that Jesus was talking about here was not the malicious Pharisee kind of unbelief that causes one religion to fight another. It was the kind of unbelief that keeps people from doing more for the Kingdom of God--that subtle kind of unbelief a person doesn't even know he has until he tries to do something more for God and falls short. Why else would the disciples have asked Jesus why they couldn't cast out that devil? Certainly they wouldn't have asked if they already knew the reason they failed to exorcise it!
But, thank God, Jesus wouldn't give His disciples the reason they were not able to cast out the devil without also going on to tell us what we can do about that particular kind of unbelief: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by PRAYER and FASTING (v. 21).
So if unbelief was the primary cause that kept that devil from coming out of the boy, we can then conclude that fasting has nothing to do with God but has EVERYTHING to do with eliminating that subtle kind of unbelief in us.
Fasting has a way of putting to death those things that act as barriers and keep us from receiving from God. It has a way of dealing with the real problem--with our inability to experience victory in certain areas of our lives because of the unbelief imposed on us by our flesh.
Have you ever seen someone up against a situation that only seemed to get more and more hopeless? Perhaps that person seemed to be believing God with everything in him; yet circumstances just continued to get worse until finally the person looked at you with tear-filled eyes and said, "I just can't understand it. I don't know why I cannot receive."
Feelings of helplessness and despair can replace a person's most noble efforts of faith as he tries to change things in the natural. But, thank God, fasting has a way of putting to death those kinds of negative feelings!
For instance, feelings of helplessness and despair can literally encompass a person who has to stand by and watch as a loved one dies from a disease or watch all his capital go down the drain as the economy gets worse and worse. Many times a person in this condition won't say anything to others. But way down on the inside, he wonders, Why, God? I really thought I was believing You for this situation, but I lost out. It didn't happen.
What I am talking about here is the same thing Jesus was talking about in Matthew 17: the kind of unbelief that is so subtle, we don't even know we have it until we are challenged. And because we don't know we have it, we are amazed and even dumbfounded when we apply all the "formulas of faith" and still can't get anything to happen! When we see a person standing on God's promises and confessing the Word and nothing seems to change in his life, we tell that person, "Keep on standing," but the truth is, we really don't know what to do or what to say.
The devil tries to program us with fear, worry, torment, and unbelief, using the flesh as a tool. (When I say flesh here, I'm talking about the part of us that can be tempted to sin and give up.) The flesh and the devil then wear on us and wear on us, until finally, the devil's psychological program begins to control our actions and we begin to plan our lives as though God was not really involved. This program will act as a subconscious barrier against faith as it literally exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Suppose this demonic program is in place when a crisis arises in our lives or when a minister preaches an exceptional message on faith that inspires us. We might try to pit ourselves against the problem, or we might try to do more for God. But we will find out that a short burst of inspiration is not enough to contend with years and years of negative programming.
Once again, this is where fasting comes in, for it has a way of putting to death the negative programming that has held us in bondage to discouragement and defeat!
For a long time in my own life, I knew that fasting worked, but I didn't know how or why it worked. Back then I thought it was the personal sacrifice that pleased God, and I wanted to please Him so much that I would fast over the Thanksgiving holiday because it meant I was giving up more! Even though I didn't fully understand why it was good to fast, it was marvelous to experience victories and to watch the power of God suddenly turn a supposedly impossible situation into victory.
When you fast, you literally cut off the flesh at the source or at the fountain of its supply, for food is the most basic appetite of the flesh. And when you cut off the flesh at the source, something marvelous takes place. Your spirit is finally able to rise above the ceiling of the flesh, and that's where old prayers start being answered! It isn't that you have fasted enough to move God; He isn't the One who is stuck. Rather, you have enforced the position that God has declared over your flesh: It is DEAD, and it no longer has a hold on you!
At the beginning of this year, the Lord emphasized to us not to let things slip. It does not surprise me that the key of fasting is among those things He wants us to look at again, to pick back up and continue. The kind of revival He has called us to--the kind we see in the Gospels and the book of Acts--will be a revival fueled by our Father's pure and endless love. Believe me when I say that our fasting now will play a vital role then.
I hope this teaching encourages you to take a fresh look at fasting. As you seek the Lord and search the Word, you will find that He will lead you into a fast that, along with prayer and times of worship, takes you into a stronger, closer walk with Him--where you not only fellowship in His love for you, but where you will see people set free, healed, and saved.
Your co-laborer,
Dave Roberson
The Family Prayer Center
Present-Day Speaking
Dear Friend,
One of the most powerful and possibly most misunderstood keys to the power of God is fasting. In order to understand why fasting is so powerful, we must also understand why the flesh is so powerful.
When the term flesh is used in the Word of God, it is most often defined as "carnal desires" or as that particular side to a person's nature that wants to give in to the temptations of the devil. It is this definition of the flesh that Romans 6:12 warns against: Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
As believers, we understand the position our spirits hold in Christ Jesus. We understand that we are the righteousness of God in Christ; that we are seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; and that we are complete in Him (Second Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 2:10). However, we have failed to understand the position our fleshly bodies hold.
You see, the redemption plan that God is working in our lives will eventually result in our total restoration and is being executed in two parts. First, upon receiving Jesus, our human spirit was born again. We received everlasting life and were seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus with respect to our rights and authority.
Second is the redemption of our bodies. One of these days, you and I are going to hear the sound of a trump. And when we do, these bodies of ours will be changed from corruptible to incorruptible, as the Word says, "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
It is in phase two that our bodies will be restored. The problem is, you and I are still wearing bodies given to us by the first man Adam. However, while we are waiting on our new resurrected bodies, a certain positional truth has been conferred on the old bodies we are wearing now. When we enforce this positional truth, we break the hold that our flesh has over our lives and our spirits.
If you and I are ever going to understand why fasting is such a powerful tool, we must first understand the purpose that fasting serves as far as our flesh is concerned. Romans 8:10 says: And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Notice the position of "life" declared for our spirit man! We live in God's life because of our righteousness--our rightstanding in Christ. It doesn't say we're "alive." After all, people in hell are alive! It said "life," meaning our spirits have entered into the God-kind of "zoe" and are forever seated in Heavenly places with the Christ Jesus kind of life!
But in the same verse, notice the other position our bodies hold: DEAD BECAUSE OF SIN. In order to break Satan's hold over our flesh positionally, God has declared it dead until we receive our new resurrected bodies at the sound of the trump.
The more we use the weapons of God to execute these two positions that our flesh and spirits hold in redemption, the more powerful and full of faith we are going to be. Of course, praying in the Holy Spirit builds us up in the spirit man, executing and enforcing the position of life that our spirits have received and in which they have been declared.
But what does fasting do? Fasting reinforces the position that the Bible declares over our flesh--that it is dead. Fasting actually breaks the hold the devil has over our faith by helping to put to death those things he uses to control our lives, such things as fears and torments, not to mention the temptations of sin.
To help you understand this truth, consider this: If a person were to fast six months on nothing but water, his flesh would never bother him again. It COULDN'T bother him, for his body would be dead and his spirit would be in Heaven!
Of course, we are not going to embark on that kind of drastic fast. Yet when a man fasts for even three days at a time, that fast has the same kind of effect. It executes the death of his flesh--a step at a time in small portions--until the hold of the flesh over his spirit is broken and his faith automatically begins to come up higher.
You see, fasting deals with the worst kind of unbelief. I'm talking about the subtle kind that keeps us from doing more for God by putting an invisible ceiling on our lives from which we don't know how to break away.
Do you remember what Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 17:19,20, when they asked Him why they couldn't cast the devil out of the lunatic boy?
Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
And Jesus said unto them, BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF . . . .
You see, the unbelief that Jesus was talking about here was not the malicious Pharisee kind of unbelief that causes one religion to fight another. It was the kind of unbelief that keeps people from doing more for the Kingdom of God--that subtle kind of unbelief a person doesn't even know he has until he tries to do something more for God and falls short. Why else would the disciples have asked Jesus why they couldn't cast out that devil? Certainly they wouldn't have asked if they already knew the reason they failed to exorcise it!
But, thank God, Jesus wouldn't give His disciples the reason they were not able to cast out the devil without also going on to tell us what we can do about that particular kind of unbelief: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by PRAYER and FASTING (v. 21).
So if unbelief was the primary cause that kept that devil from coming out of the boy, we can then conclude that fasting has nothing to do with God but has EVERYTHING to do with eliminating that subtle kind of unbelief in us.
Fasting has a way of putting to death those things that act as barriers and keep us from receiving from God. It has a way of dealing with the real problem--with our inability to experience victory in certain areas of our lives because of the unbelief imposed on us by our flesh.
Have you ever seen someone up against a situation that only seemed to get more and more hopeless? Perhaps that person seemed to be believing God with everything in him; yet circumstances just continued to get worse until finally the person looked at you with tear-filled eyes and said, "I just can't understand it. I don't know why I cannot receive."
Feelings of helplessness and despair can replace a person's most noble efforts of faith as he tries to change things in the natural. But, thank God, fasting has a way of putting to death those kinds of negative feelings!
For instance, feelings of helplessness and despair can literally encompass a person who has to stand by and watch as a loved one dies from a disease or watch all his capital go down the drain as the economy gets worse and worse. Many times a person in this condition won't say anything to others. But way down on the inside, he wonders, Why, God? I really thought I was believing You for this situation, but I lost out. It didn't happen.
What I am talking about here is the same thing Jesus was talking about in Matthew 17: the kind of unbelief that is so subtle, we don't even know we have it until we are challenged. And because we don't know we have it, we are amazed and even dumbfounded when we apply all the "formulas of faith" and still can't get anything to happen! When we see a person standing on God's promises and confessing the Word and nothing seems to change in his life, we tell that person, "Keep on standing," but the truth is, we really don't know what to do or what to say.
The devil tries to program us with fear, worry, torment, and unbelief, using the flesh as a tool. (When I say flesh here, I'm talking about the part of us that can be tempted to sin and give up.) The flesh and the devil then wear on us and wear on us, until finally, the devil's psychological program begins to control our actions and we begin to plan our lives as though God was not really involved. This program will act as a subconscious barrier against faith as it literally exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Suppose this demonic program is in place when a crisis arises in our lives or when a minister preaches an exceptional message on faith that inspires us. We might try to pit ourselves against the problem, or we might try to do more for God. But we will find out that a short burst of inspiration is not enough to contend with years and years of negative programming.
Once again, this is where fasting comes in, for it has a way of putting to death the negative programming that has held us in bondage to discouragement and defeat!
For a long time in my own life, I knew that fasting worked, but I didn't know how or why it worked. Back then I thought it was the personal sacrifice that pleased God, and I wanted to please Him so much that I would fast over the Thanksgiving holiday because it meant I was giving up more! Even though I didn't fully understand why it was good to fast, it was marvelous to experience victories and to watch the power of God suddenly turn a supposedly impossible situation into victory.
When you fast, you literally cut off the flesh at the source or at the fountain of its supply, for food is the most basic appetite of the flesh. And when you cut off the flesh at the source, something marvelous takes place. Your spirit is finally able to rise above the ceiling of the flesh, and that's where old prayers start being answered! It isn't that you have fasted enough to move God; He isn't the One who is stuck. Rather, you have enforced the position that God has declared over your flesh: It is DEAD, and it no longer has a hold on you!
At the beginning of this year, the Lord emphasized to us not to let things slip. It does not surprise me that the key of fasting is among those things He wants us to look at again, to pick back up and continue. The kind of revival He has called us to--the kind we see in the Gospels and the book of Acts--will be a revival fueled by our Father's pure and endless love. Believe me when I say that our fasting now will play a vital role then.
I hope this teaching encourages you to take a fresh look at fasting. As you seek the Lord and search the Word, you will find that He will lead you into a fast that, along with prayer and times of worship, takes you into a stronger, closer walk with Him--where you not only fellowship in His love for you, but where you will see people set free, healed, and saved.
Your co-laborer,
Dave Roberson
The Family Prayer Center
Present-Day Speaking
Prayer and Fasting I Have Given You--A Word From God
The winepress is pouring out new wine. In these times of pressing into more of Me, you leave behind more of the old and bring about a greater release of My life in you. For those who desire new places in Me, you must let Me preserve your wineskins through the process of leaving behind more of the old so that you might walk in the new. This is always accomplished by My mortification working in you.
You must allow My mortification process to change you. If you do not use the tools of My Spirit that bring forward My nature in you, you will not see the things I have prepared for you to enjoy with Me. You must allow My mortification to take place in you so that what restrains you will lose its hold on you. No other method have I given you to walk out of the old and into the new than by My mortification process preparing you for My truth coming forward in you.
As you allow the keys of mortification to work in you, eat My words to you. All that has been said and all I speak to you is My life to you. My truth must abide in you.
I draw near to you each time you draw near to Me, for I am ever with you in true love for you. Come to worship Me and let Me sustain you. Mortify the ways of the flesh so that you can walk in more of My life in you. I will surely see you through. Let My mortification have its way in you. Prayer and fasting I have given you to keep you and to move you forward into My image in you.
Dave Roberson's Church
You must allow My mortification process to change you. If you do not use the tools of My Spirit that bring forward My nature in you, you will not see the things I have prepared for you to enjoy with Me. You must allow My mortification to take place in you so that what restrains you will lose its hold on you. No other method have I given you to walk out of the old and into the new than by My mortification process preparing you for My truth coming forward in you.
As you allow the keys of mortification to work in you, eat My words to you. All that has been said and all I speak to you is My life to you. My truth must abide in you.
I draw near to you each time you draw near to Me, for I am ever with you in true love for you. Come to worship Me and let Me sustain you. Mortify the ways of the flesh so that you can walk in more of My life in you. I will surely see you through. Let My mortification have its way in you. Prayer and fasting I have given you to keep you and to move you forward into My image in you.
Dave Roberson's Church
I Am Drawing You--Come--I Will Help You--A Word From God
I am drawing you. The thoughts that you have to fast, the thoughts that you have to pray, and the thoughts that you have to worship and to pull aside from your unnecessary day-to-day, that is the drawing of My Spirit to come. I am drawing you.
As you present yourself to Me, I am able to come in My goodness and capture you with My love so that who I am takes over more of you. This is surrender. What I need is the time you give to Me so that I might have more of you. In the process of giving yourself to Me, I come and I give Myself to you.
The surrender of your life--as I draw you--is in the time you choose to give to Me. Each time you come to Me, I take the offering of "you" and give you more of Me. Each time you come to Me is My opportunity to capture more of your heart with My love. You do not yet understand My love for you. You have tasted of My love, but I want you to taste and have the fullness of My love in you. In this surrender, you will see more of Me than you have ever dreamed.
So as I am reaching out to you and drawing you to Me--come. Come with the wisdom that, as you come, you are coming to lose more of you so that you will walk in more of Me. Come with the knowing that in these times of Me drawing you, each time you come, you are surrendering your life and allowing Me to be the Captor of your heart. There is a strong grace involved in this "heart capturing" that is taking place.
Each one who gives in to the drawing toward Me that is taking place will find that I have taken more of you and given you more of Me. This is the surrender that is true--it always results in change and more of My life in you.
As My Son surrendered His life for you, I want the same from you. I want all of you so that My fullness is evident in you. Come--I will help you.
Dave Roberson's Church
As you present yourself to Me, I am able to come in My goodness and capture you with My love so that who I am takes over more of you. This is surrender. What I need is the time you give to Me so that I might have more of you. In the process of giving yourself to Me, I come and I give Myself to you.
The surrender of your life--as I draw you--is in the time you choose to give to Me. Each time you come to Me, I take the offering of "you" and give you more of Me. Each time you come to Me is My opportunity to capture more of your heart with My love. You do not yet understand My love for you. You have tasted of My love, but I want you to taste and have the fullness of My love in you. In this surrender, you will see more of Me than you have ever dreamed.
So as I am reaching out to you and drawing you to Me--come. Come with the wisdom that, as you come, you are coming to lose more of you so that you will walk in more of Me. Come with the knowing that in these times of Me drawing you, each time you come, you are surrendering your life and allowing Me to be the Captor of your heart. There is a strong grace involved in this "heart capturing" that is taking place.
Each one who gives in to the drawing toward Me that is taking place will find that I have taken more of you and given you more of Me. This is the surrender that is true--it always results in change and more of My life in you.
As My Son surrendered His life for you, I want the same from you. I want all of you so that My fullness is evident in you. Come--I will help you.
Dave Roberson's Church
Anchors for Your Soul Concerning Fasting--A Word From God
I want to give you some anchors for your soul concerning fasting, to stabilize your boat in wind-tossed seas.
Confusion, which is rooted in fear and is connected to the religious doctrine that has pushed out truths about living in Me, is often a key battle when it comes to using the key of fasting, and it can be easily overcome in Me.
Should I? Should I not? Do I? Do I not? When? How? Why? These questions can all be settled by looking to Me. Remember, the enemy's tactic is to divide you from your fellowship with Me and to take you out of My peace, where our communication runs free. Keep your mind fixed on Me and everything that is in Me. All that you need is in Me. You must choose to put your trust in Me and not in what you hear or sense by your senses or see. You must make an active choice that this is part of your fellowship with Me and that together we can do anything.
I do not expect you to fast by your own strength. Fasting is not meant to be simply an act of your will; it is meant to be by My grace as you choose to fellowship with Me. I will carry you as you rely on Me.
Each time you feel the "squeeze" of your emotions, turn to Me. Our life is a partnership, and this includes fasting. Why would I exclude anything from our fellowship when that is what our life together is to be--a walk together for all eternity?
Many have been in fear of fasting and have not chosen this part to help them live more by that spirit within that is made pure and holy. Many have not yet turned to Me to allow Me into this part of their life so that My grace can operate freely on their behalf. The tumult in the mind and the confusion can be dealt with if you will use the keys that walk you into more of Me.
Tell Me of your love for Me and engage in a deeper fellowship with Me. This frees Me to draw near to you and opens doors to greater understanding of My love that you have yet to see. Every time you turn to Me, I am there with you. For as you draw near to Me, I am free to draw near to you in fellowship and intimacy.
You say you need a plan? I have your plan, and all I need is for you to allow Me to work on your behalf to remove those things that have kept you from receiving.
I hear some saying, "Oh, I can do all the other things, but this one thing is not for me. I am not able to hear Him, and I just don't have it in Me." So I say to you: You are My love and My joy, and I will help you grow stronger in Me and run deeper into the things of My Spirit that you want to see, if you will make the choice to allow Me to help you.
My nature within you is what I work by, and as you allow it to come forth through your choices for Me, I can help you taste the taste of victory. Pray diligently in the language that flows from your spirit so that I might work My truth, My freedom, and My restoration plan into your life.
Offer yourself to Me on a regular basis and pray for My will to come forth in your life, praying in the supernatural language of tongues, whereby you release Me to work My plan and My truths into your life. All I need is willingness on your behalf, and there is grace for this.
Allow Me in, and I can accomplish My plan in you and strengthen you to walk deeper and deeper into everything you are and have in Me. I will move you forward into My plan and give you every detail you need as you move forward in Me.
Dave Roberson's Church
Confusion, which is rooted in fear and is connected to the religious doctrine that has pushed out truths about living in Me, is often a key battle when it comes to using the key of fasting, and it can be easily overcome in Me.
Should I? Should I not? Do I? Do I not? When? How? Why? These questions can all be settled by looking to Me. Remember, the enemy's tactic is to divide you from your fellowship with Me and to take you out of My peace, where our communication runs free. Keep your mind fixed on Me and everything that is in Me. All that you need is in Me. You must choose to put your trust in Me and not in what you hear or sense by your senses or see. You must make an active choice that this is part of your fellowship with Me and that together we can do anything.
I do not expect you to fast by your own strength. Fasting is not meant to be simply an act of your will; it is meant to be by My grace as you choose to fellowship with Me. I will carry you as you rely on Me.
Each time you feel the "squeeze" of your emotions, turn to Me. Our life is a partnership, and this includes fasting. Why would I exclude anything from our fellowship when that is what our life together is to be--a walk together for all eternity?
Many have been in fear of fasting and have not chosen this part to help them live more by that spirit within that is made pure and holy. Many have not yet turned to Me to allow Me into this part of their life so that My grace can operate freely on their behalf. The tumult in the mind and the confusion can be dealt with if you will use the keys that walk you into more of Me.
Tell Me of your love for Me and engage in a deeper fellowship with Me. This frees Me to draw near to you and opens doors to greater understanding of My love that you have yet to see. Every time you turn to Me, I am there with you. For as you draw near to Me, I am free to draw near to you in fellowship and intimacy.
You say you need a plan? I have your plan, and all I need is for you to allow Me to work on your behalf to remove those things that have kept you from receiving.
I hear some saying, "Oh, I can do all the other things, but this one thing is not for me. I am not able to hear Him, and I just don't have it in Me." So I say to you: You are My love and My joy, and I will help you grow stronger in Me and run deeper into the things of My Spirit that you want to see, if you will make the choice to allow Me to help you.
My nature within you is what I work by, and as you allow it to come forth through your choices for Me, I can help you taste the taste of victory. Pray diligently in the language that flows from your spirit so that I might work My truth, My freedom, and My restoration plan into your life.
Offer yourself to Me on a regular basis and pray for My will to come forth in your life, praying in the supernatural language of tongues, whereby you release Me to work My plan and My truths into your life. All I need is willingness on your behalf, and there is grace for this.
Allow Me in, and I can accomplish My plan in you and strengthen you to walk deeper and deeper into everything you are and have in Me. I will move you forward into My plan and give you every detail you need as you move forward in Me.
Dave Roberson's Church
More of Me and Less of You--A Word From God
More of Me and less of you is a common cry from the hearts of those in My Body, and there is a path into this which has no limits. Learn to give yourself to more of Me and less of you by giving more to My path and less to your path. The things that are necessary to this have been laid out for you and are up to you to fulfill.
These things include praying much in other tongues, for the revelation of Paul, who prayed in tongues "more than you all," is available. Take My Word and spend time ingesting it and let it be the joy and rejoicing of your heart as it is filled with My truth. Take extra time with Me in the sweetness of private worship, even when the sweetness of it seems hard to attain. It will come if you faint not.
Take to heart My mind on fasting and adhere to the leadership of My spirit within you and allow the practice of the death of the old man and the strengthening of the new man to take place so that My peace can rule within. And spend time letting your ears be attentive to My voice so you can be very familiar with it, for it shall be necessary to follow My voice and My leadership within you.
Take the time to follow after more of Me and lessen the time of following after your own self, for your life has been purchased by Me. I have places in Me, for you, that you have not attained to but are within your reach through your fellowship with Me.
For those who will hear, I am calling for more of Me and less of you. This is what you have been called to and what you have been born into--My life within you. It is a time of more of Me and less of you, and I have laid out the path to this. If you will hear, you will walk in it. Take heed to what you hear from Me.
Dave Roberson's Church
These things include praying much in other tongues, for the revelation of Paul, who prayed in tongues "more than you all," is available. Take My Word and spend time ingesting it and let it be the joy and rejoicing of your heart as it is filled with My truth. Take extra time with Me in the sweetness of private worship, even when the sweetness of it seems hard to attain. It will come if you faint not.
Take to heart My mind on fasting and adhere to the leadership of My spirit within you and allow the practice of the death of the old man and the strengthening of the new man to take place so that My peace can rule within. And spend time letting your ears be attentive to My voice so you can be very familiar with it, for it shall be necessary to follow My voice and My leadership within you.
Take the time to follow after more of Me and lessen the time of following after your own self, for your life has been purchased by Me. I have places in Me, for you, that you have not attained to but are within your reach through your fellowship with Me.
For those who will hear, I am calling for more of Me and less of you. This is what you have been called to and what you have been born into--My life within you. It is a time of more of Me and less of you, and I have laid out the path to this. If you will hear, you will walk in it. Take heed to what you hear from Me.
Dave Roberson's Church
Be Unstoppable--A Word From God
You are in a life or death war and there is grace for all to survive. You are fighting to possess the life of Christ and His attributes and His character. As these become who you are in your daily walk, the authority you have been given will be on exhibit; it will be on display to the world.
There is an evil force on assignment to stop each one of you, but there is grace not to fail. All that you need, I have given to you, and every key you have been taught is pertinent to the path you are on.
It is a path of victory; it is a path of grace, for it is all done in My strength. You can rule and reign in every situation that comes against you as you forge forward in Me. You must remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall harm you. I have given you the keys to live and abide in this place.
Love will be a turning point in this journey. As you grow in your knowledge of My love, you will put on more of that nature--your authority dwells in the nature of Love, for that is who I am.
The key is to continue without looking back or letting up on this path that's been given to you. Pray much, worship much, meditate much, and heed the instructions on fasting. It will take you past everything that does not believe who I have made you to be.
When you know who you are in Me and in My family, your walk will be as a mighty, mighty force against the enemy's forces, and you will prevail.
It is not the time to wait and see what happens and what the enemy will bring. It is a time to act on all that has been spoken, on all you know to do, and forge ahead in this hour.
I have said it is the hour of division--the division of soul and spirit--and it is. It is of prime importance to be unstoppable on this path of putting away the soulish nature, the nature of the flesh, and putting on the nature of My Son, which is the nature of your new man.
You can prevail against all the enemy brings, and you can come through the storms rejoicing. You can walk as an army in triumph--you can. You will win every situation you face as you heed your instructions. Do the things you have learned and succeed. There is grace in My family to succeed.
Dave Roberson's Church
There is an evil force on assignment to stop each one of you, but there is grace not to fail. All that you need, I have given to you, and every key you have been taught is pertinent to the path you are on.
It is a path of victory; it is a path of grace, for it is all done in My strength. You can rule and reign in every situation that comes against you as you forge forward in Me. You must remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy that nothing by any means shall harm you. I have given you the keys to live and abide in this place.
Love will be a turning point in this journey. As you grow in your knowledge of My love, you will put on more of that nature--your authority dwells in the nature of Love, for that is who I am.
The key is to continue without looking back or letting up on this path that's been given to you. Pray much, worship much, meditate much, and heed the instructions on fasting. It will take you past everything that does not believe who I have made you to be.
When you know who you are in Me and in My family, your walk will be as a mighty, mighty force against the enemy's forces, and you will prevail.
It is not the time to wait and see what happens and what the enemy will bring. It is a time to act on all that has been spoken, on all you know to do, and forge ahead in this hour.
I have said it is the hour of division--the division of soul and spirit--and it is. It is of prime importance to be unstoppable on this path of putting away the soulish nature, the nature of the flesh, and putting on the nature of My Son, which is the nature of your new man.
You can prevail against all the enemy brings, and you can come through the storms rejoicing. You can walk as an army in triumph--you can. You will win every situation you face as you heed your instructions. Do the things you have learned and succeed. There is grace in My family to succeed.
Dave Roberson's Church
Many of You Lack Direction--A Word From God
In your response, your heart has questioned, and even so, saith the Lord, even so. For there are many of you who lack direction, for you are unable to take direction in your own life for the things I am calling you to, and in particular, the change I am calling you to act upon.
Many of you lack direction on how to walk out of the flesh and into My Spirit. Yet My hand is already in movement, as you can hear from the many voices that are in the land--voices of people whose ears are tuned toward Me. So hear: For some of you, it will be a race. It will be a race, whether you can follow Me and hear My voice with the movement of My hand and how I will be moving in this year to come. In particular, you will be talking in terms of months, in months.
So hear: I added fasting to the agenda in great measures so that many of you will finish that which has been working in you and come to the place where you can hear My voice. The steps that need to be taken are critical ones as far as the world is concerned. If I have My divine plan enacted in you, it will prevent many things from taking place in the future, saith the Lord.
Dave Roberson's Church
Many of you lack direction on how to walk out of the flesh and into My Spirit. Yet My hand is already in movement, as you can hear from the many voices that are in the land--voices of people whose ears are tuned toward Me. So hear: For some of you, it will be a race. It will be a race, whether you can follow Me and hear My voice with the movement of My hand and how I will be moving in this year to come. In particular, you will be talking in terms of months, in months.
So hear: I added fasting to the agenda in great measures so that many of you will finish that which has been working in you and come to the place where you can hear My voice. The steps that need to be taken are critical ones as far as the world is concerned. If I have My divine plan enacted in you, it will prevent many things from taking place in the future, saith the Lord.
Dave Roberson's Church
I Will Draw Nigh With My Strength and Presence--A Word From God
If you will make the change, if you will make the decision, in every step you make towards obedience, I will abound towards you with My strength a hundred steps.
As you draw nigh unto Me, I will draw nigh unto you. Now, I am already near you, but I am talking about with My strength, with My Presence. I will help you in that closet. I will help you in those times of fasting. I will help you. You take a step towards Me and you watch Me abound towards you, says the Lord.
Dave Roberson's Church
As you draw nigh unto Me, I will draw nigh unto you. Now, I am already near you, but I am talking about with My strength, with My Presence. I will help you in that closet. I will help you in those times of fasting. I will help you. You take a step towards Me and you watch Me abound towards you, says the Lord.
Dave Roberson's Church
Fasting Will Work in You Determination--A Word from God
Fasting will work this in many of you this year--the greatest determination you have ever had to experience Me and to know Me. Therefore I will open up to you all that I am as your Father, and you will know My love and you will know My Presence. You will experience Me in the area of joy that will make your life worth living, even in the midst of persecution.
Dave Roberson's Church
Dave Roberson's Church
The Keys for Grace and His Standing-A Word from God
Indeed your time (to reap) shall be shortened because the sower will overtake the reaper. Consistently, all these things that I give you to realize grace, they do nothing but substantiate and release His standing within your life.
For indeed the sower shall overtake the reaper, because adding the key of fasting with the key of assimilation, with the key of praying in tongues, with the key of private worship--when these things are in place--then all of them will operate equally with each other and cause you to rise up in the grace and the standing that is in My Son.
Dave Roberson's Church
For indeed the sower shall overtake the reaper, because adding the key of fasting with the key of assimilation, with the key of praying in tongues, with the key of private worship--when these things are in place--then all of them will operate equally with each other and cause you to rise up in the grace and the standing that is in My Son.
Dave Roberson's Church
Give Yourself to the Key of Fasting
In the season to come, like before, I am calling for fasting. I am calling for fasting, says the Lord. So give yourself to this key, for there are things that I need to stop, and then there are things that need to speed up.
Therefore, I am calling you to seasons of fasting. For you who have ears to hear, hear and measure this within yourself and obey according to what I give you to do.
Receive the instructions with grace, for as you mortify yourself through fasting, My grace will come forward as never before. And indeed, My strength shall become yours. So delight in the task ahead of you, for I am calling for these things, says the Lord.
Dave Roberson's Church
Therefore, I am calling you to seasons of fasting. For you who have ears to hear, hear and measure this within yourself and obey according to what I give you to do.
Receive the instructions with grace, for as you mortify yourself through fasting, My grace will come forward as never before. And indeed, My strength shall become yours. So delight in the task ahead of you, for I am calling for these things, says the Lord.
Dave Roberson's Church
In My Fellowship With You Are Your Answers--A Word from God
Editor's Note: The following was after a teaching on fasting and praying to strengthen your spirit to overcome weaknesses.
It is in this manner that not only do you win over one thing; it is in this manner that you win over all. The only thing that varies is the strength of the keys that you use, which delivers you to My grace. For is there not praying in the Holy Spirit? Is there not a communion in worship? Is there not fasting? And all these are designed in the selfsame thing: to magnify, to amplify and to establish My standing in you, which I have given to you by My grace. Therefore, consider yourself strong when you are weak. Let the weak say, "I'm strong." Consider yourself to be tall in the spirit when you come up short.
Know you this, that when you establish yourself in the laws of the spirit and maintain them and are strong in your fellowship with Me, that all other things will be brought under subjection to My grace, therefore, solving your problems, no matter how trivial or how large they might be to you. Therefore, rejoice and know that it is in My fellowship with you that you will find your answer.
Dave Roberson's Church
It is in this manner that not only do you win over one thing; it is in this manner that you win over all. The only thing that varies is the strength of the keys that you use, which delivers you to My grace. For is there not praying in the Holy Spirit? Is there not a communion in worship? Is there not fasting? And all these are designed in the selfsame thing: to magnify, to amplify and to establish My standing in you, which I have given to you by My grace. Therefore, consider yourself strong when you are weak. Let the weak say, "I'm strong." Consider yourself to be tall in the spirit when you come up short.
Know you this, that when you establish yourself in the laws of the spirit and maintain them and are strong in your fellowship with Me, that all other things will be brought under subjection to My grace, therefore, solving your problems, no matter how trivial or how large they might be to you. Therefore, rejoice and know that it is in My fellowship with you that you will find your answer.
Dave Roberson's Church
Seasons of Fasting, Prayer and Worship --A Word from God
The time is coming that many are coming to the place where they can hear Me, for many this year have spent more time with Me than they had in any of the previous years. Know this, that fasting will come online again and be very prevalent among you, for many will be giving themselves to Me in seasons of fasting and worship and prayer.
You will do these things, and as this year goes by, I will begin to individualize your call. I will begin to empower you and equip you for what I have separated you for. And as all of you begin to minister the place that I have given you by My grace and the faith that I have measured out to you to operate in that faith, all of these working together will see to all things concerning revival.
Hear what the Spirit would say: I have many things yet to say and many moves of My Spirit--one of the moves that will suddenly be is knowledge and wisdom and understanding. In fact, it will be revelation, only in the field that you walk in. There will be entrepreneurs who will hear new and more excellent ways to do things. But, still, there will be those who run My governments, and oh, they will see and they will know and they will arrange. There will be no little ones pushed to the side and lost in the scuffle.
Be patient, for in it you will posses not only your souls, but many souls who shall come into the Kingdom that day. So be strong and know that the time of that vision is drawing closer and closer as you receive what I have for you. So be not as some who have little and do not enter in, and what little they have has been taken away from them, but be as those who have much and will receive more so that more may be given to them. Gird yourself up and prepare yourself, for it is at hand.
Dave Roberson
You will do these things, and as this year goes by, I will begin to individualize your call. I will begin to empower you and equip you for what I have separated you for. And as all of you begin to minister the place that I have given you by My grace and the faith that I have measured out to you to operate in that faith, all of these working together will see to all things concerning revival.
Hear what the Spirit would say: I have many things yet to say and many moves of My Spirit--one of the moves that will suddenly be is knowledge and wisdom and understanding. In fact, it will be revelation, only in the field that you walk in. There will be entrepreneurs who will hear new and more excellent ways to do things. But, still, there will be those who run My governments, and oh, they will see and they will know and they will arrange. There will be no little ones pushed to the side and lost in the scuffle.
Be patient, for in it you will posses not only your souls, but many souls who shall come into the Kingdom that day. So be strong and know that the time of that vision is drawing closer and closer as you receive what I have for you. So be not as some who have little and do not enter in, and what little they have has been taken away from them, but be as those who have much and will receive more so that more may be given to them. Gird yourself up and prepare yourself, for it is at hand.
Dave Roberson
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