I want to give you some anchors for your soul concerning fasting, to stabilize your boat in wind-tossed seas.
Confusion, which is rooted in fear and is connected to the religious doctrine that has pushed out truths about living in Me, is often a key battle when it comes to using the key of fasting, and it can be easily overcome in Me.
Should I? Should I not? Do I? Do I not? When? How? Why? These questions can all be settled by looking to Me. Remember, the enemy's tactic is to divide you from your fellowship with Me and to take you out of My peace, where our communication runs free. Keep your mind fixed on Me and everything that is in Me. All that you need is in Me. You must choose to put your trust in Me and not in what you hear or sense by your senses or see. You must make an active choice that this is part of your fellowship with Me and that together we can do anything.
I do not expect you to fast by your own strength. Fasting is not meant to be simply an act of your will; it is meant to be by My grace as you choose to fellowship with Me. I will carry you as you rely on Me.
Each time you feel the "squeeze" of your emotions, turn to Me. Our life is a partnership, and this includes fasting. Why would I exclude anything from our fellowship when that is what our life together is to be--a walk together for all eternity?
Many have been in fear of fasting and have not chosen this part to help them live more by that spirit within that is made pure and holy. Many have not yet turned to Me to allow Me into this part of their life so that My grace can operate freely on their behalf. The tumult in the mind and the confusion can be dealt with if you will use the keys that walk you into more of Me.
Tell Me of your love for Me and engage in a deeper fellowship with Me. This frees Me to draw near to you and opens doors to greater understanding of My love that you have yet to see. Every time you turn to Me, I am there with you. For as you draw near to Me, I am free to draw near to you in fellowship and intimacy.
You say you need a plan? I have your plan, and all I need is for you to allow Me to work on your behalf to remove those things that have kept you from receiving.
I hear some saying, "Oh, I can do all the other things, but this one thing is not for me. I am not able to hear Him, and I just don't have it in Me." So I say to you: You are My love and My joy, and I will help you grow stronger in Me and run deeper into the things of My Spirit that you want to see, if you will make the choice to allow Me to help you.
My nature within you is what I work by, and as you allow it to come forth through your choices for Me, I can help you taste the taste of victory. Pray diligently in the language that flows from your spirit so that I might work My truth, My freedom, and My restoration plan into your life.
Offer yourself to Me on a regular basis and pray for My will to come forth in your life, praying in the supernatural language of tongues, whereby you release Me to work My plan and My truths into your life. All I need is willingness on your behalf, and there is grace for this.
Allow Me in, and I can accomplish My plan in you and strengthen you to walk deeper and deeper into everything you are and have in Me. I will move you forward into My plan and give you every detail you need as you move forward in Me.
Dave Roberson's Church
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